About the Symposium

The 1st International Symposium on Turkish Language Teaching and Turcology in the Balkans was held on September 7-9, 2022, at the University of New York, which has been owned by the Turkish Maarif Foundation since 2018. Academicians and researchers from Turkey, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan participated in the symposium. A total of 45 papers were presented at the symposium. UNYT Press published the Proceedings of the Symposium in April 2023.

The 2nd International Symposium was hosted by Istanbul University with the theme of “Cultural Interaction” between 13-15 December 2023 with the contributions of TIKA, in cooperation with the Turkish Maarif Foundation, the University of New York’s Balkan Studies Centre, Istanbul University’s Institute of Turkic Studies and Turkish Language Association. In total, 53 papers from 12 different countries were accepted by the scientific committee to be presented at the Symposium. On the first day of the symposium, a special session on Turkish Literature in the Balkans from Past to Present, the first panel on “Cultural Interaction from Anatolia to the Balkans,” the second panel on “Cultural Interaction in Language and Literature,” and 14 different paper sessions were held.

The 3rd International Symposium on Turkish Language Teaching and Turcology in the Balkans will be held in Bosnia and Herzegovina on 13-15 November 2024 with the theme of “City, Culture, and Civilization: Balkans” in cooperation with the Balkan Research Centre of the University of New York Tirana owned by the Turkish Maarif Foundation and International Sarajevo University. The symposium aims to address all the elements that play a role in the construction of city culture and civilization, from architecture to music, from language and literature to social and cultural life, and from foundation culture to arts within the context of the Balkan cities.

Organizing Institutions

The Turkish Maarif Foundation

The University of New York Tirana (UNYT)

The Balkan Research Centre

International Sarajevo University (IUS)

About the organizers

The Turkish Maarif Foundation

Established on 17.06.2016 with Law No. 6721, the Turkish Maarif Foundation is the only organization other than the Ministry of National Education with the authority to directly open educational institutions abroad on behalf of the Republic of Turkey. The Foundation currently operates in 67 countries and conducts educational activities in 52 countries. Around 53,00 students are studying in 467 different educational institutions operating under the Foundation. The Foundation is authorized by the Law to develop educational methods and procedures and content and curriculum, to conduct scientific research and development studies, support these studies, publish periodical and non-periodical publications, organize symposiums, conferences, and workshops within this framework, and cooperate with institutions and organizations operating in this field.

The University of New York Tirana

Founded in 2002 as the first English-medium private university in Albania, the University of New York University (UNYT) has been a part of the Turkish Maarif Foundation since 2018. UNYT offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in 32 study programs under 3 faculties: the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the Faculty of Economics and Business, and the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences.

The Balkan Research Centre

UNYT’s Balkan Research Centre under the Institute of European and Balkan Studies aims to strengthen the old friendships and historical and cultural ties between the Balkan countries and Türkiye and implement Turkish-Balkan projects of common interest. The Centre seeks to organize international symposiums and scientific conferences in these fields and support academic studies and research conducted by academics and students from Türkiye and the Balkan countries.

International University of Sarajevo (IUS)

The International University of Sarajevo (IUS), a bridge between Turkiye and the Balkans, is a foundation university established by the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo (SEDEF) in 2003. In 2004, it opened the English Language School (English Preparatory Program), and in the 2005-2006 academic year, it launched its undergraduate programs and gave its first graduates in 2009.

Distinguished faculty members and lecturers from various countries, such as the USA, the UK, Germany, Austria, France, and especially Turkiye and Bosnia and Herzegovina, teach and conduct research at IUS. Students from four continents and 25 countries continue their education at IUS in unity, peace, and fruitful collaboration.

The university aims to equip its students from diverse cultural backgrounds with world-class knowledge by providing high-quality education and contributing to science through research activities. The vision of the university is to become a regionally and globally recognized and respected educational institution. IUS has established collaborations with various international universities and research centres and conducts joint research projects. It actively participates in international student exchange programs such as the Erasmus+ program.

IUS graduates have successful careers in various sectors and international companies. IUS’s strong academic programs and international connections enable its graduates to be competitive in the global job market. The International University of Sarajevo is one of the leading educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, with its high-quality education, international student body, and qualified academic staff.

The International University of Sarajevo (IUS), a bridge between Turkiye and the Balkans, is a foundation university established by the Foundation for Education Development Sarajevo (SEDEF) in 2003. In 2004, it opened the English Language School (English Preparatory Program), and in the 2005-2006 academic year, it launched its undergraduate programs and gave its first graduates in 2009.

Distinguished faculty members and lecturers from various countries, such as the USA, the UK, Germany, Austria, France, and especially Turkiye and Bosnia and Herzegovina, teach and conduct research at IUS. Students from four continents and 25 countries continue their education at IUS in unity, peace, and fruitful collaboration.

The university’s primary goal is to equip its students from diverse cultural backgrounds with world-class knowledge by providing high-quality education and contributing to science through research activities. The vision of the university is to become a regionally and globally recognised and respected educational institution. IUS has established collaborations with various international universities and research centres and conducts joint research projects. It actively participates in international student exchange programs such as the Erasmus+ program.

IUS graduates have successful careers in various sectors and international companies. IUS’s strong academic programs and international connections enable its graduates to be competitive in the global job market. The International University of Sarajevo is one of the leading educational institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region, with its high-quality education, international student body, and qualified academic staff.

Purpose of the Symposium

The 3rd International Symposium on Turkish Language Teaching and Turcology in the Balkans aims to provide an overview of the Balkans in various fields of social sciences, especially Turkish language teaching and Turcology activities, bring together scholars working on cultural studies, identify the works, studies, and interactions in the cultural context, evaluate the research and present them to the public. The symposium will focus on the main theme: “City, Culture, and Civilization: Balkans.” As sub-themes of this main theme, but not limited to them, the symposium aims to address all the elements that play a role in the construction of the city’s culture and civilisation, from architecture to music, from language and literature to social and cultural life, from foundation culture to art spaces by remaining within the context of the Balkan cities.

Dear Scholars,

The International Symposium on Turkish Language Teaching and Turcology in the Balkans is organised as a forum for Balkan studies in various fields of social sciences, especially Turkish language teaching and Turcology activities in the Balkans. This event aims to bring together scholars, identify the works, studies, and interactions in the cultural context, evaluate the research, and present them to the public. The first symposium was organised in Albania (Tirana), and the second in Turkey (Istanbul). Academics from many countries shared their studies on the Balkans at the symposium.

The Third International Symposium will be held on 13-15 November 2024 at the International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the main theme of “City, Culture, and Civilization: Balkans”. Under the main theme, the symposium, but not limited to them, will cover the following sub-themes, which aim to address all the elements that play a role in the construction of city culture and civilisation, from architecture to music, from language and literature to social and cultural life, from foundation culture to arts within the context of the Balkan cities.

  • Language, Literature, and the City
  • City and Music
  • City, Works, and Personalities
  • City, Foundation Culture and Civilization
  • City and Scientific Institutions
  • City and Architecture
  • City and Art Neighborhoods
  • Ottoman Archives
  • City and Trade
  • City and Food Culture
  • City and Social Life
  • City, Cinema and Theater
  • City, Religion and Sufism
  • Balkans Teaching Turkish and Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language


The symposium is open to researchers from all over the world, and participation is free of charge.

The papers presented at the Symposium will be published in the Book of Proceedings by UNYT Press following the evaluation of the Scientific Committee.

Important Dates

September 2, 2024
Deadline for submission of full papers

October 4, 2024
Announcement of accepted papers to the participants

November 4, 2024

Announcement of Abstract Booklet

November 13-15, 2024

3rd International Symposium on Turkish Language Teaching and Turcology in the Balkans:
“City, Culture and Civilization: Balkans”

December 6, 2024
Submission of final versions of full texts

Printing of full texts


Important Information


  • The symposium will be held face-to-face. Papers will not be accepted for online presentation.
  • Symposium papers will be uploaded to the system as full text with a plagiarism report.
  • Papers will be evaluated by the blind referee method.
  • Accommodation expenses of the participants accepted to the symposium will be covered by the Symposium Organizing Committee.
  • Symposium papers will be accepted with a maximum of 3 authors.
  • Symposium papers are accepted in all languages.


September 2, 2024 – Deadline for submission of full papers

October 4, 2024 – Announcement of the accepted papers to the participants

November 1, 2024 – Summary Booklet Announcement

November 13, 2015 – 3rd International Symposium on Turkish Teaching and Turkology in the Balkans: “City, Culture and Civilization: The Balkans”

Ist International Symposium On Turkish Language Teaching And Turcology In The Balkans



Symposium Honorary Board

  • Prof. Dr. Birol AKGÜN, President of Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmet YILDIRIM, International University of Sarajevo
  • Prof. Dr. Ali GÜNEŞ, Turkish Maarif Foundation Tirana New York University
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa İSEN, Retired Faculty Member
  • Prof. Dr. Lütfi SUNAR, International Balkan University

Symposium Advisory Board

  • Prof. Dr. Birol AKGÜN, Turkey Maarif Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Osman MERT, President of the Turkish Language Association
  • Prof. Dr. Haluk ALKAN (Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Şükrü Haluk AKALIN, Retired Faculty Member
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmet Emre BİLGİLİ, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Behixhudin SHEHAPI, Ministry of Culture of North Macedonia
  • Prof. Dr. Cihad DEMİRLİ, MEB Board of Education and Discipline
  • Prof. Dr. Cemal YILDIZ, Turkish-German University
  • Prof. Dr. Hayati DEVELİ, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Nevzat ŞİMŞEK, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University
  • Prof. Dr. Gürer GÜLSEVİN, Retired Faculty Member
  • Prof. Dr. Kerima FİLAN, Sarajevo State University
  • Prof. Dr. Marija DJINDJIC, University of Belgrade
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa ISEN, Retired Academic Member
  • Prof. Dr. Leyla KARAHAN, TOBB University of Economics and Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Mehmet ÖZKAN, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Suzana CANHASI, University of Pristina
  • Prof. Dr. Abdullah HAMITI, University of Pristina
  • Prof. Dr. Ömer TURAN, Middle East Technical University
  • Assoc. Dr. Neriman HASAN, Ovidius University of Constanta
  • Assoc. Dr. Zeynep ARKAN, Turkey Maarif Foundation
  • Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zeki İBRAHİMGİL, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University
  • Assoc. Dr. Isa SULÇEVSI, University of Pristina
  • Dr. Hasan TAŞÇI, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Dr. Mehmet CANGIR, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Mahmut Mustafa ÖZDİL, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Muhammet Murtaza YETİŞ, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Ömer Faruk TERZİ, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Selim CERRAH, Turkish Maarif Foundation

Chairman of the Symposium

  • Prof. Dr. Ahmet YILDIRIM, International University of Sarajevo

Symposium Organizing Committee

  • Ali ÇİÇEK, Turkish Maarif Foundation Board Member
  • Ahmet TÜRKBEN, Turkish Maarif Foundation Board Member
  • Prof. Dr. İbrahim GÜLTEKİN, Turkish Maarif Foundation – Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Cihan ÖZDEMİR, Turkish Maarif Foundation Tirana New York University
  • Kemal BULUT, Turkish Maarif Foundation Europe and Balkans Regional Department Head
  • Assoc. Dr. Lindita XHANARI LATIFI, New York University of Tirana, Center for Balkan Studies
  • Hüseyin ŞANLI, Turkish Maarif Foundation Bosnia and Herzegovina Country Representative
  • Dr. R. Feridun ELGÜN, Turkish Maarif Foundation Tirana New York University
  • Assoc. Dr. Önder ÇANGAL, Gaziantep University
  • Dr. Fatos DİBRA, New York University of Tirana

Science Committee

  • Prof. Dr. Ahmet Hamdi ZAFER, Trakya University
  • Prof. Dr. Alena CATOVIÇ, University of Sarajevo
  • Prof. Dr. Amina Siljak JESENKOVIĆ, Sarajevo State University
  • Prof. Dr. Hayati DEVELİ, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Deniz MELANLIOĞLU, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Gencay ZAVOTÇU, Kocaeli University
  • Prof. Dr. Hatice ŞAHİN, Uludağ University
  • Prof. Dr. İbrahim GÜLTEKİN, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Cihan ÖZDEMİR, University of New York Tirana
  • Prof. Dr. Kemalettin DENIZ, Gazi University
  • Prof. Dr. Mehmet SAMSAKÇI, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa BALCI, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Mücahit KAÇAR, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Nezir TEMUR, Gazi University
  • Prof. Dr. Şamil ÖÇAL, Ankara Social Sciences University
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa KURT, Gazi University
  • Prof. Dr. Ahmet KARADOĞAN, Kırıkkale University
  • Prof. Dr. Erkan ERDEMİR, University of New York Tirana
  • Prof. Dr. Mustafa DURMUŞ, Hacettepe University
  • Prof. Dr.  Kadir Kaan BÜYÜKİKİZ, Gaziantep University
  • Prof. Dr. Rahman ADEMİ, Yıldırım Beyazıt University
  • Prof. Dr. Müberra GÜRGENDERELİ, Trakya University
  • Prof. Dr. Selim KARAHASANOĞLU, Istanbul Medeniyet University
  • Prof. Dr. Tuba DURMUŞ TOBB University of Economics and Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Salim PİLAV, Ankara Yıldırım Beyazıt University
  • Prof. Dr. Yakup YILMAZ, Istanbul Medeniyet University
  • Prof. Dr. Yaşar AYDEMİR, Gazi University
  • Prof. Dr. Halil ÇELTİK, Gazi University
  • Prof. Dr. Bilal ÇAKICI, Ankara Social Sciences University
  • Prof. Dr. Marija Djindjic, Serbian Academy of Sciences
  • Prof. Dr. Şaban ÇOBANOĞLU, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Foundation University
  • Prof. Dr. Şaban BIYIKLI, Marmara University
  • Prof. Dr. Zeqije XHAFÇE, University of Prishtina
  • Prof. Dr. Mahmut Çelik, Goce Delcev University
  • Prof. Dr. Erdal KILIÇ, Istanbul Medeniyet University
  • Prof. Dr. Fatih ODUNKIRAN, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Suleyman Baki, University of Tetovo
  • Prof. Dr. Marija LEONTİK, Goce Delcev University
  • Prof. Dr. Filiz FERHATOĞLU, Istanbul University
  • Prof. Dr. Nebahat SULÇEVSİ, University of Prishtina
  • Prof. Dr. Azmi Bilgin, Haliç University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet KOÇAK, Istanbul Medeniyet University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ayşegül KILIÇ, Trakya University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ubeydullah Sezikli, Istanbul University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emrah BOYLU, Bartın University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Isa SULÇEVSI, University of Prishtina
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Harun TUNCER, Istanbul University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emine TEMEL ALEMDAR, Istanbul University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lindita XHANARI LATIFI, University of New York Tirana
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman Emin, St. Cyril and Methodiy University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Meryem SALİM AHMET, University of Shumnu
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Muhuttin DOĞAN, Marmara University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Musa DEMİR, Kırıkkale University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neriman HASAN, Ovidius University of Constanta
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tarık DEMİR, Gazi University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mirsad Turanovic, University of Sarajevo
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neslihan KARAKUŞ, Yıldız Technical University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Osman COŞKUN, Marmara University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Önder ÇANGAL, Gaziantep University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tarık DURAN, University of Belgrade
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elsev Brina, University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Umut BAŞAR, Ankara Social Sciences University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Emre Çelik, Pamukkale University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasin BEYAZ, Yalova University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep ARKAN, Hacı Bayram Veli University
  • Dr. Fatos DIBRA, University of New York Tirana
  • Dr. Seyhan M. İBRAHİMİ, International Balkan University
  • Dr. Dženana Bračković, International University of Sarajevo

Symposium Secretariat

  • Dr. Dženana Bračković, International University of Sarajevo
  • Cengiz ÇELİK, Tirana New York University, Center for Balkan Studies
  • Enes Sadık ECE, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Enes Tecim, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Fatma Zehra ERGİN, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Feyza Nur YILMAZ, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Nuri İbrahim KARABUDAK, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Sümeyye ÇAĞLAR, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Sümeyye DUMANLI SAYKIN, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Uğur CEYLAN, Turkish Maarif Foundation
  • Şerife KAFALİ, Turkish Maarif Foundation

Symposium Location

  • International University of Sarajevo

University of New York Tirana launches UNYT Press

We are excited to announce the launch of UNYT Press at the University of New York Tirana! Our first published Book is a collection of academic studies presented at the International Symposium on Turkish Teaching in the Balkans and Turcology. The symposium, organized by UNYT Balkan Research Center in September 2022, welcomed over 118 academic studies from esteemed academicians across Türkiye, Albania, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Azerbaijan. We are thrilled to share this impressive collection with you!


Check it on the link below:

2. Uluslararası Balkanlarda Türkçe Öğretimi ve Türkoloji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı

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University of New York Tirana launches UNYT Press

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International Symposium on Turkish Teaching in the Balkans and Turcology | Opening Ceremony

On September 7th 2022, UNYT Balkan Research Center organized the International Symposium on “Turkish Teaching in the Balkans and Turcology”, in cooperation with several universities and other national and international academic institutions. The purpose of the symposium was to identify …

Cengiz Çelik, UNYT Balkan Research Centre
+355 67 736 72 40
E-Mail: balkansymposium@unytold.unyt.edu.al

Enes Sadık Ece, The Turkish Maarif Foundation
+90 530 434 88 43
E-Mail: esece@turkiyemaarif.org

Selma Soydan, Turkish Maarif Foundation Sarajevo Representation
+387 62 046 604
E-Mail: selma.soydan@ba.maarifschools.org

Dženana Bračković, International University of Sarajevo
+387 61 537 752
E-Mail: dzbrackovic@ius.edu.ba